Janne Wilsdorf and Milica Stanojic

Janne Wilsdorf, 17, is a high school senior in Hamburg. She is strongly interested in politics and international relations, enjoys reading and sports, and has a passion for music and animals.

Milica Stanojic, 17, is a high school senior in Hamburg. She enjoys learning new languages and is passionate about writing about and for people all around the world.

Blog posts by Janne Wilsdorf and Milica Stanojic:

Clicks for the Future: Alternative Search Engines Help Students Surf the Web Sustainably
Look­ing out for fea­si­ble, effec­tive, and easy ways to stop cli­mate change has become an impor­tant goal in our dai­ly lives. As one of the least … Continue reading Clicks for the Future: Alternative Search Engines Help Students Surf the Web Sustainably